ACG Trustee

Chuck Stecker

Acting Treasurer


Work: Rev. Chuck Stecker is the President and Founder of A Chosen Generation. Chuck is an ordained minister of the Gospel with the Evangelical Church Alliance and has earned a Doctorate of Ministry specializing in Christian Leadership. As an Army Lieutenant Colonel, Chuck served in various key leadership and staff positions, including 3 years on the Joint Staff in the Pentagon. Chuck has served the Lord in the local church in various ministry and leadership positions. After his retirement, he served with Promise Keepers for three years as the Regional Director of the South-Central Region. In 1997, Chuck launched a ministry, Mission Capable Men, and then A Chosen Generation in 2000.

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Chuck has recently written a book for parents and leaders about Rites of Passage entitled Men of Honor & Women of Virtue, Raising Kids to Keep the Faith. In addition, Chuck has authored several articles and was a contributing author to Effective Men’s Ministry: The Indispensable Toolkit for Your Church. Chuck also serves as an adjunct professor at Denver Seminary.

Ministry: Chuck uniquely combines several years of business experience, 23 years of military service and over 10 years of full-time ministry equipping, training, empowering and releasing a new generation of leaders. He has a passion to see churches return to truly intergenerational communities and develop the clear pathways that keep young adults actively connected to their churches and see them develop into the leaders that will impact every area of our society.

Chuck’s clear vision and leadership teachings have impacted churches, schools, the military and businesses all over the country as well as other nations. He boldly challenges men and women of all ages to develop strong moral character and equips them with principles they can apply to their lives to become more spiritually mature and responsible adults. Chuck speaks to audiences of all ages in churches, conferences, rallies and retreats on Developing Strategic Leaders, Leadership, Rites of Passage, Mentoring/Coaching, Ministry to Men as well as Character and Integrity Issues.

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